AUTINE Indiegogo campaign!
Because we are a small company and all our tools are crafted by hand, the price of our tools is quite high and the wait time is much longer than we would like to offer our clients. This is why we ask for your help. To make possible for anyone in need it to be able to get a tool of high quality, we need a lot of money to cover expensive tooling costs and to widen working space. This will allow us to shorten the wait time and lower the price of the products. We are not and will not be after producing tools in a factory-built manner. What we want is to give that joy of holding a master’s handcrafted tool to more people.
Because of these reasons we have decided to hold a fundraising campaign in Indiegogo site, during which you can obtain 3 of our most popular axe models, thus helping us to develop our forge and receive an awesome axe in return for the best price ever!
Support AUTINE with campaign:
NB! While the campaign is on and some time after it, ordering in our web page will not be available! In case of special occasions, please contact us through email